Part III: Protecting the State

Alaska Is Struggling But All Is Not Lost

Written by Adam Millsap / Published April 28, 2017 for Forbes

Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

America’s economy is growing at a slow yet steady pace, but Alaska is not doing so well. Its GDP has been declining for years and it’s currently in a recession. The shale oil boom and low oil prices have been a boon for most of us, who get cheaper gas and energy as a result, but for Alaskans, low profits in the oil industry are a source of economic hardship.

Both Alaska’s economy and tax revenue are heavily dependent on the oil and gas industry: From 2013 to 2015 mining made up 32% of Alaska’s GDP versus only 3% for the U.S. as a whole. And this doesn’t include all of the other service-sector jobs that exist largely due to the spending of employees and investors in the oil and gas industry. This dependence on oil and gas combined with the decline in oil prices has weakened Alaska’s economy and contributed to a $3 billion budget deficit.

When the U.S. economy is in a recession, both the federal government and the Federal Reserve take steps to soften the downturn, such as tax cuts, fiscal stimulus and expanding the money supply. The effectiveness of each of these policies is debatable, but the general consensus is that expansionary monetary policy can reduce the depth and length of recessions.

But the Fed isn’t going to engage in expansionary monetary policy at the national level to help one state. And unlike the federal government, state governments can’t engage in massive deficit spending without making creditors nervous and driving up their cost of borrowing. So Alaska is largely on its own and it doesn’t have many tools at its disposal.

So what should the people of Alaska do to get their fiscal house in order and grow the economy? I recently submitted testimony to the state’s Senate Labor and Commerce Committee, and these suggestions build on that. The following recommendations are based strictly on economic efficiency. I leave other important considerations, such as equity, to the people of Alaska.

First, they should cut the permanent dividend fund check. Each October, every permanent resident of Alaska is given a check from $1,000 to $2,000—sometimes more—which is paid out from the returns on the state’s previously invested oil revenues. Instead of implementing an income tax, this payment should be cut or even eliminated to help balance the budget.

Unlike the implementation of an income tax, a dividend cut would not discourage work. If anything, it would encourage it. Cutting the dividend has a negative income effect on people since it reduces their income. The typical income tax creates both a substitution effect—the income gained from working relative to not working declines due to the tax—and an income effect. The substitution effect induces people to work less while the income effect induces people to work more, but the net result tends to be less work overall.

During a recession, which is defined as a sustained drop in output, it’s not a good idea to further discourage production and output. Because a reduction in residents’ dividend checks wouldn’t change the cost or benefit of additional work, the substitution effect is zero and the cut only induces more work via the negative income effect.

Parks and Preservations

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar a risus id aliquam. Quisque congue id massa in consectetur. Praesent iaculis convallis odio, non aliquam eros dignissim ut. Duis non nisl a neque pretium faucibus. Vestibulum volutpat libero vel eros lacinia, hendrerit sagittis metus sollicitudin. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin scelerisque urna vitae est ultricies, eget suscipit dolor molestie.

Ut pellentesque ante eu urna volutpat commodo. Sed blandit sit amet est eu imperdiet. Proin eget pulvinar dolor. Maecenas sagittis enim urna, a pretium nisi posuere ac. Donec turpis urna, vestibulum ac dui mollis, molestie elementum lectus. Mauris eget arcu dolor. Nam varius tortor rhoncus, bibendum lacus at, tincidunt lacus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ut mauris in velit accumsan fringilla. Proin velit felis, venenatis vel laoreet vitae, tincidunt et nunc. Donec egestas, dolor in ullamcorper lobortis, risus mauris mollis dui, eget tempor turpis orci nec dui. Nulla tincidunt et enim eu maximus. Aliquam vehicula quis lorem eu venenatis. Ut laoreet ut felis in malesuada. Proin at enim semper, feugiat ex eu, cursus libero. Nullam eu diam eu augue pulvinar commodo.

Curabitur leo mi, aliquet quis rhoncus eu, varius vel nisl. In tempor ultricies dui. Phasellus molestie nisi non blandit viverra. Donec ac posuere justo. Fusce sapien libero, consequat sed ornare nec, lacinia in sapien. Nam purus mauris, commodo a vulputate nec, faucibus tempor quam. Ut et imperdiet lacus. Vivamus volutpat, turpis blandit mattis aliquet, nunc justo pharetra magna, sit amet dapibus massa erat eget risus. Fusce egestas lobortis pharetra. Quisque quis venenatis risus, scelerisque tempor metus. Sed id ante sapien. Suspendisse imperdiet vitae lacus vitae tempor. Fusce non eleifend justo. Aenean congue pharetra tempus. Integer imperdiet dui nec eros vehicula pellentesque. Quisque pharetra leo id urna vestibulum rhoncus.

Phasellus mattis turpis vitae tellus rutrum, et finibus lorem porta. Etiam eleifend neque ac scelerisque aliquam. Aenean finibus neque sed lectus sollicitudin malesuada. Donec dignissim sed lacus non rutrum. Fusce facilisis mi tincidunt lobortis imperdiet. Donec semper aliquet neque, a interdum arcu scelerisque non. Suspendisse hendrerit imperdiet quam eu fringilla. Nullam id lobortis velit.

Morbi eget dictum lorem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus et felis gravida, mollis libero ut, posuere nunc. Sed porta semper pellentesque. Duis quis odio vel leo gravida gravida. Nullam sagittis est purus, sit amet dictum ante dapibus quis. In venenatis ex sem, in luctus orci blandit non. Sed nec tincidunt odio, quis pharetra orci. Donec fringilla venenatis ex, at aliquet tortor facilisis non. Duis nec leo neque. Nunc ac auctor justo. In tristique euismod libero, id aliquam lectus efficitur eget. Curabitur a lorem turpis.

In aliquet arcu leo, at efficitur dui tristique in. Donec sit amet egestas enim, id volutpat nisi. Donec et malesuada quam. Donec vehicula lacus vitae nibh gravida, sed laoreet dolor euismod. In quam nisi, vehicula ornare massa ut, maximus lacinia mauris. Nulla sed augue sollicitudin sapien tincidunt faucibus et pretium sapien. Vestibulum tristique congue enim non vulputate. Cras faucibus, magna et fermentum eleifend, nibh tortor elementum dui, sit amet varius magna nisi non mauris. Praesent vulputate iaculis augue ac porttitor. Aenean convallis, ex eget semper ultricies, arcu leo interdum nunc, a auctor arcu ex ut lacus.

In non erat at magna pulvinar facilisis. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas nec scelerisque metus. Integer quis ultricies tellus, et lacinia ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ultrices euismod dui eget egestas. Cras elementum sapien augue, a congue tortor porttitor non. Vestibulum sodales dolor scelerisque nulla sodales molestie. Praesent mattis eu nisl non ultricies.

Suspendisse quam tortor, ultricies quis turpis eget, venenatis congue erat. Integer id orci et metus consequat laoreet at eu libero. Donec id justo ac diam semper porta eu ac augue. Maecenas vestibulum volutpat odio, viverra dictum metus rutrum ac. Quisque pulvinar ut nisl at faucibus. Cras sed porttitor mi. Cras vestibulum commodo ipsum. Maecenas interdum nisi metus, nec porttitor mi condimentum et. Nulla non ante ac lorem posuere fringilla at a odio. Integer tincidunt, eros non vulputate aliquam, enim sapien laoreet nisi, quis euismod ipsum purus vitae mauris. Quisque vitae justo nibh. Sed elementum euismod massa quis gravida.

Morbi vitae eros ac purus dapibus varius at ac sapien. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla convallis augue id metus iaculis, sit amet vestibulum nibh volutpat. Integer nec sem sapien. Maecenas ullamcorper, neque a ultrices faucibus, magna sapien elementum justo, eget suscipit leo quam quis lectus. Phasellus cursus orci ut dui hendrerit blandit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque finibus consequat porttitor. In aliquam metus odio, nec convallis nunc pretium at. Duis pretium neque arcu, sit amet sagittis ex dapibus eu. Suspendisse malesuada sit amet sapien id semper.

Morbi vel dapibus ipsum. Donec et efficitur nisi. Phasellus nulla ante, imperdiet at tellus interdum, imperdiet iaculis tellus. Mauris faucibus id magna a fermentum. Duis sed hendrerit nunc, in auctor lectus. Fusce ullamcorper nec lorem tristique pulvinar. Pellentesque neque nibh, suscipit tempus rutrum sed, faucibus ut elit.